We have just one focus:
your child’s learning and development.

At Seven Rivers International, every part of our approach is centred around the individual child. We teach at the child’s pace, encourage their unique interests, respond to each child’s needs, and give them the individual attention and support they need to succeed.

Maximise your child’s learning and development

Personalised learning

Teaching that’s attuned to your child’s
strengths and weaknesses, at their pace

IGCSE curriculum

Curriculum that promotes authentic
understanding and expression


Dedicated advisor that understands
and helps the school respond to your child’s needs

Choice time

Letting the child discover and pursue unique interests
through ‘Choice time’ and ‘Maker spaces’

Holistic development

Through sports, arts, movement and citizenship

University for teachers

Constant training and evaluation of all teachers and staff

Learning resources for parents

Expert information that helps you better
support your child’s education

Personalised education that’s tailor made for your child.

Children don’t learn at the same pace, or have the same difficulties. Yet most schools use a ‘one size fits all’ approach to education. Our approach ensures each student gets a
learning plan that’s based on their unique strengths, needs and interests. By doing so, we can ensure that your child learns to their full potential.

The Teacher-Advisor: Your child’s personal guide and mentor.

A positive learning environment has a huge impact on a child’s ability to learn. At Seven Rivers International each child gets a teacher-advisor who ensures they are guided and cared for, so they feel emotionally settled and at their best when they enter the classroom. It's the teacher-advisor’s job to meet students regularly, track their academic and personal growth, and help structure each child's personal learning plan.

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